The visual art: It is sculpture in mixed media - metal, wood, fabrics, tar, leather, wire, welding filler, silicone, rust. The basis is usually metal, and usually items/materials used in agriculture and forestry. The interest, however, lies in the combination of these rural materials/items and urban ones like plastic, rubber, silicone, parts of dolls and toys…
"Junk art" might be the term when it comes to choice of "material". When it comes to artistry, terms like "art brut" or "outsider art" are better suited.
His art is basically a process which often results in humans, figures, postures, poses. The working process more than often makes use of chance (
(fabrics, swaddling-clothes, weld, leather, steel wire, nails, pipes)
Using a lustrous, translucent bowling ball, which encases fragments of Freiburg’s previously crushed sculpture from the “Ball Drop” event in March of 2006, the viewer becomes the machine’s participant. Along the way it visits 12 varying segments and stops to what metaphorically represents the Expo’s great and magnificent buildings and locales – i.e. the Manufacturers and Liberal Arts, Transportation, Government and Agriculture Buildings are all represented along the track as well as the newly invented Ferris Wheel and decedent Midway Plaisance. With the first crank, the ball slowly, clickety-clacks up the starting ramp, and figuratively speaking moves through the fairs’ Administration Building, where the artist, in his imagination, pays tribute to the muses of the Glimpser’s epic journey and tale. After passing through the “Women’s Building” – the highest physical point along the track, the ball slips into the “Agricultural” arena and the ultimate reward is ideally reaped; that is, of course, if the ball succeeds to crash down upon and smash to smithereens yet another delicate sculpture of Freiburg’s making.